echolokal mobile app oaktree apps case study project screenshots

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The Problem

The EchoLokal team wanted to help local small business owners manage their marketing and promotions in real time and with the customers immediately around them. Their platform encourages consumers to find new places whether they are the self-appointed local expert or the newest person into town. Grassroots born, locally empowered and vision focused, Echo puts the right consumer directly into the right business.

The Product

The end product was a native application for iOS and Android using Flutter, which used location services to find user's current location against a preset geofence. The end users are notified of realtime offers via notificaitions that small business send out. The businesses have the capabiility of configuring the offers for a given period of time based on the target market.

The Tech Solution

The product involved a lot of complex animations which required heavy use of in-built animation frameworks on the respective platforms. Due to the fragmented nature of Android ecosystem, achieving consistent animations on older android devices was a challenge.
The team implemented a custom implementation of Google Maps V2, using designer provided image for markers on maps. Every UI component within the app was a fully customizable component built from scratch.

The product also supports local notifications via OneSignal. The product also supports in-app surveys built via OneSignal dashboard.

OakTree is truly a unicorn of software development teams. They are extremely competent.

Kevin Pelletier & Steve Sharp, Co-Founders, EchoLokal